Our story

Established in 2018


Research Image technology as a complimentary tool to characterize the material and/or understand the slow dynamic state of nature science and engineering (such as multi phase flow).


Proving the link between Industry and Researchers and to fill the gap for the developing technology quantitative and qualitative.


More than 20 years working experience in Digital Imaging

    • X-ray CT imaging acquisition, reconstruction, and visualization.
    •  3D/4D digital core analysis (including mathematical morphology calculation and the extraction of pore network extraction from 3D or 4D time-lapsed x-ray imaging)
    • Direct image-based property calculation to predict multiphase flow or structural properties
    •  radiation safety and equipment management.
    • data management

CJEL Digital Imaging Education solution Pty Ltd will Communicate, Join, Educate, Level up your technology development to create a customized research team

    • Build the specialised research team for your project including computational numerical simulation or laboratory experiments
    • Develop image analysis technology as a complementary tool to characterize material
    • Work with scientific researchers & consultants
      For example, carbon storage, Hydrogen storage, cement with metal/carbon fibre, fine migration, biochar dissolution, and so on.
    • Giving opportunities to young people to learn the technology and to work on the development
    • Being the partners to researchers, companies, and government organizations to quantify and qualify their projects.